Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Reader 4 - Research

RESEARCH - something that I thought could be done enough with just searching the web and reading. How wrong could I have been?! In reader 4 my eyes have been opened to how many different ways we can learn and inquire. From reading the section on research I have began to write my private diary on ways to improve my knowledge from research.

Above in the reference I have attached a link to where I found the best understanding of single and double loop learning for me. Although I read this in the beginning of reader 4 (inquiry) it is something that has stuck in my mind, after all how can you widen your research without wanting to inquire on something? Asking questions and wanting to learn more through inquiry leads to researching.

'We enter without knowing, in order to discover what we need to know to lead us to what there is to know. The skills that we know so well as choreographers are also the skills we use as researchers.'
(P.Hanstein, 1999, 'Balancing the systematic and the serendipitous', 23)

The above quote is one of the points in the topic that I intend to use when developing my topic. I broke the quote down to how I think will help me learn.
We enter without knowing in order to discover what we need to know:
Try the unknown is order to learn more. Always keep trying new things.
To lead us to what there is to know: 
Discovering the unknown will result in having a wider knowledge that you are then able to share with others.
The skills that we know so well as choreographers are also the skills we use as researchers:
What we already know leads us to wanting to know more, and therefore research more and develop even further.

I want to extend my theories of research and therefore today in my private diary I have noted;
- Video evidence
- Practical
- Theories
- Books
- Word of mouth
- Learning from experience

Throughout this topic I now intend to use these ways to gather my research on my inquiry. As I note down in my private diary and gain more knowledge I will hopefully share on my blogs along the way.

Reader 4 - Knowledge in the workplace

Whilst being involved in the BAPP course I am a part time dance teacher at a high school academy. After having a long think and a few discussions I have come to the conclusion that I work within a disciplinary context in the arts.  

What do I know?

Disciplines provide particular lenses or frameworks through which to explore, understand and act upon the world. (Kreber,2009)

At the school I have one focus which is dance. I do not take part in any other subject which therefore means my work is disciplinary. Although I understand that is what I am I also believe that I have some parts of inter-disciplinary involved when teaching. I used to be a self employed performer and also a teacher and from that experience I am aware of the subject I am teaching and also the importance of education.  

How do I know it?
I know this because of reader 4 explaining the different disciplinary's you can be. What has been interesting to learn is that without knowing before now I have been inter-disciplinary, transdisciplinary and also disciplinary, It is something that I would never of drawn attention to before but now having a wider understanding has made me think more about what I intend to be in the future.

'Disciplines provide particular lenses or framework through which to explore, understand and act upon the world.' 
(Sayers, 1948, in Burleigh, 1978)

The above quote from Sayers, 1948 explains to me about my disciplinary job. In my subject dance, I am to explore, understand and act upon to become the best teacher. I am disciplined to this subject and only this for the beginning of my career.

Competences and capabilities now and for the future.
 In brief, the intent of the competency movement is to identify and develop competences or behavioural characteristics of practitioners what are specific, observable, and verifiable.
(Raelin, 2008, pp. 43-44)

I agree with Raelin with the above statement. It is all something new for me but as a teacher this is something I am becoming aware of. I also understand that as a teacher in the future I need to be able to have the capability to deal with situations that are not expected. How I view this is, you can be a teacher and learn all the rules and know the basics, but to make a good teacher you need to expect the unexpected and explore everything that you can. Any knowledge known is a benefit. 

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Starting back - Module 2

It feels strange not having to make time every week the past few months to study. I have wondered where all my free time has gone since then but I am very much looking forward to being back in the swing of things.

First of all, as I couldn't attend Saturdays skype session I have spent the time to read through everyones blogs since to catch up and read everyone opinion on the skype call. It has been really nice to see how everyone is excited to be back working and blogging and I have really enjoyed people's blogs about how they are planning to study in the next module.

Lauren Harpers blog was short and straight to the point about how she is going to work during Module 2, and as I am working full time alongside studying like many other students her blog really helped me.

Throughout this module I have set study days as I have set shifts now at work as well as volunteering at a school. I have noted down all the Skype sessions onto my study wall in my room and throughout the term I put sticky notes on my wall as a reminder of what needs doing.
I like to be organised and I hate getting behind so I will also set times, deadlines and aims for myself every Sunday so I can then plan what needs doing in the week ahead.

Everyone has different ways of working, and I am also looking forward to seeing everyones opinion and trying out new ways. You don't know if you like something until you try it. Everything so far has been new to me on this course, and so far I have really enjoyed it. So this term I am going to push myself to keep bridging out and trying new things.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Reflection on Module 1

After receiving my mark and then reading through my feedback on Module 1 I now am ready to begin Module 2 and this time round have an improvement on my work. I recently read through my feedback and also my critical reflection again to understand my feedback fully and set aims on improvements in the next module.

I got some positive feedback about my blog, saying I am very active and also join into conversations a lot which I am very pleased about. When I first began blogging I really struggled and thought I wouldn't enjoy it, but by the end of module 1 I really looked forward to blogging.
Although this is a positive it was then clear that my attention was too much towards blogging and my academic writing needs more work. From this I have spoken to a teacher who I work with and we are already working on improving this.

I have made notes on what I would like to improve on in Module 2 and now I am beginning to read Module 2 and set myself some goals, making myself more time for academic writing, improve on my referencing and hopefully have an overall better piece of work at the end of Module 2.

I am looking forward to getting stuck into Module 2 and I am also pleased with the work I have done so far on this course, after thinking it wouldn't be for me and struggling at the beginning of the module I worked hard and was surprisingly pleased with my result. After hard work paying off I am now more determined to keep improving.