Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Learning to blog!!

So after last nights skype session I realised how much I needed to get into blogging whilst learning to find my feet on the BAPP course. As much as it feels very daunting right now as I am not the best with social media I am excited to learn so much more and hopefully get stuck into blogging.
I felt very comfortable in the skype session, everybody was very welcoming and friendly so I am hoping that blogging is going to be similar. I also feel that this is a chance for us all to share our ideas and get inspiration from each other with our work and hopefully get to know everyone on a personal level too. Sometimes I feel I get very stuck in my ways of making sure everything is done in the correct way and I worry to much about getting things wrong but so far as it has been very based on personal opinions I am thinking I will get much more comfortable with saying my views and hopefully gain confidence blogging.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kirsty useful start to the course - yes exactly - learning doing thinking analysis and then demonstrating that in some way
