Sunday 9 April 2017

3A Current Networks

After a skype last week with Paula, Jessica and Emily I now feel ready for reader 3. One of the main topics in the discussion was what we think our current networks are. If you'd like to read more about what we discussed have a look at the blog 'Skype with Paula.' Leading on to current networks from having the discussion I feel I am now fully aware of what my networks are. Below I am going to answer the questions from task 3A and explain what knowledge I have about my current networks.

What are the current and different ways (tools) that you have, or do,
engage your professional network? 
Currently as a dance teacher I am engaging with my professional network by discussing with people who are already in the industry my aims for my future career. My tools for all my professional networking is, 'word of mouth', emailing potential employers, updating my teaching CV and social networking with other people with the same intentions as me. 

What are the established (and different) ways that others use
their networks, especially if they are more established or experienced
practitioners that you admire?
I think that a more experienced practitioner can sometimes have more of an advantage when sharing their network as they will have had more experience with a wider range of employers. Also in terms of their CV with more experience I feel that people are more likely to take time in noticing you. I know it isn't always correct but some jobs require experience, but I feel everyone has to start somewhere to gain experience. At this current time I do not have the experience to know who I admire. As I begin to teach more I am sure that people will inspire me when I found out how they got to their current situation. It is something I am looking forward too, but currently I am focused on my networks and finding where I need to be in my career. 

Are there methods, approaches and technologies that you use socially
that might apply and help you develop your professional networking? 
Social media isn't something at the moment I am using in terms of my professional network. Teaching is something I have been using Web 2.0 to find more information on, I have found that online there is so many pages that will help you and guide you with any questions you need answering. Facebook is something I may use the odd time to share something I feel I want people to know about, or I may ask about how to find groups or pages I can join to find available teaching jobs. I feel as it is early days in my teaching profession, each day I am finding out more, and learning how to network myself in the best way possible. I am looking forward to gaining all this experience and then being able to reflect to see how far I have come. 

When you reflect upon current networks, can you think about the
motives of others to be in the network and what values and purpose
they have in mind?
Reflecting on why people want to be in their current network makes me excited. It is something that being new in the network makes me eager to get into teaching. I love to find out and ask people why they do things? What is the best bits to your job? And what are the difficult situations that happen on a daily basis? Already after teaching in a high school for a short amount of time I have felt some of the rewards. Everyone I have spoken to say it can be the most rewarding job ever helping a child succeed in their education. Some of the teachers and the students have amazing relationships and the teachers guide the students to get them where they need to be. I think most teachers are in that network because of their love for the topic and the love for helping others. My purpose is to share my knowledge and guide students the best I can so that they have the best chance in their careers.

What would your ideal network look like and why? 
My ideal network and aims to get there are:
- To be a teacher in a highschool
- Teach workshops at all ages in schools
- Gain as much knowledge as possible to share
- Attend the AQA Dance syllabus meetings and workshops
- The people needed know who I am, what I do, and want to work with me. 

What realistic things could you do to work towards developing your
ideal network?
Realistically I need to broaden my knowledge in the dancing industry and GCSE dance so that I can share all my knowledge with students. I need to provide a free work shop to a few schools as a one off so that they have a chance to see what you can offer and hopefully want you back to teach again. Lastly, I need to share with as many people as possible who I am, what I do, and what my aims are, so that the more people that know about this the more advice I receive and the more my name gets spread, hopefully in the correct ways. 

What tools and methods do you need to use? What do you know about
your current, and intended networks, and importantly, what do you not
My methods that I intend to use to get my ideal network is Web 2.0. I need to get a teaching showreel, I need to get references from people who I have taught, and I need to get a email together that can be sent to schools. All this can be done using Web 2.0. I have a plan to gather as much information as possible, so that once I have put this all together and I feel it is in the best way to email to people then I am able to take a step forward. What I know is that 'getting your foot through the door' has already worked for me and gained me a wide experience already. So, I know what I need to do to widen my knowledge. What I do not know is the all the knowledge to be teaching dance in a high school. But again, I know what I need to do to get this. I know I need to research and I also need to talk to the head of dance and get myself on courses to know about the dance syllabus in highschools. But as I know, each day you learn more, it is never possible to know to much. It is such a big network and is not possible to know everything. But the more I know, the more I can share. 


  1. Hi Kirsty,

    I was so unsure as to how to approach this task! I found I had to read the questions 4 or 5 times before I fully understood them.
    It is really interesting reading your blogs, as with us both being dance teachers and wanting to pursue this further we have a lot of similar views. It is also good to see the differences in how we approach things as well, showing there is no right or wrong way!

  2. Emily, I am so glad you enjoy reading my blogs as I feel sometimes I completely just go off on my own little paths. I have had a good read through your page as I feel the same as you, it's lovely to see the ways you approach things and it gives me inspiration sometimes to try new things. after all, we can never know too much.
