Wednesday 8 November 2017

6B- Reflecting tools

Whilst deciding how I will collect my data here are my current views on the four tools explained in module 2:

Personally it is not something that I believe will massively benefit me, although I will be observing answers from my interviewees I don't plan on observing such things as students in a class, or a teachers teaching method.

This is going to be my main way of collecting data, whether I interview and use video or just voice notes that is not yet decided and also depends on the candidate being interviewed. I am to keep some informal (to the students) and others formal (teachers in the workplace). The reason I am keen to use interviewing as one of my main tools is because I think I will get a better responce rather than if I sent them away with questionares to fill out.

Survey and Questionares:
I am intending to use this for if I decide to ask for parents opinions and they are happy taking part in my inquiry. I will be making them and sending some students home with them for the parents to answer. I am not yet 100% sure on this but the reason why I think this would benefit my inquiry is because I want to know if the parents agree that dance is an important subject at GCSE level. I think if I ask the students to answer for them I may not receive the correct information.

Focus groups:
Focus groups seems to be a way to save time, although I do not believe this would work for the students as some having a bigger character than others and therefore I may not receive the most from all students. This could be a way for collecting data from the teachers as if I it was videoed I could re watch and collect what I needed from the group descussion.

I have set out my two main tools which I am to use in my inquiry because it is what I feel I will achieve the most from (interviews and questionares). However, I am not ruling out any others as I would like to trial them and see how they go before making any decisions.

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