Thursday 16 March 2017

2b: The planning of my reflective writing.

This morning I sat reading task 2b and decided to plan ahead for the next 9 days. I have left a page in my notebook for each day and on every page is a headline saying how I will reflect on that day.
This is how I am hoping to complete my first 9 days of my reflective journal before deciding which one I believe has worked for me the most and I will use more in the future:

Day 1: Reflect like a diary
Day 2: Make a list
Day 3: My instant reflection
Day 4: Evaluate your day
Day 5: Diagram your day
Day 6: What if today worked out different?
Day 7: What would somebody else be thinking after today?
Day 8: Video yourself reflecting like you are explaining this to an audience
Day 9: Don't write anything today, just reflect in your mind. 

I am intrigued to see how the next 9 days work for me as it is not something I would usually do. I feel I am a verbal person, so if I have had a good day I will go home and tell my family this around the dinner table, or if I have had a bad day I would go home and do the same, maybe go for a coffee with a friend and offload my problems or feelings so that things do not get to much. I think I am the type of person that see's everyday as a new beginning, I don't like to sit and think about the bad, I like to get up and think of what I can achieve, or how I can make each day positive, or even just trying to have a happier approach to things.

Often I feel so many people concentrate on the negative in life over the positive. For example, at the moment I am in a job that is suitable for the hours I need to work so that I have time to concentrate on my degree, my profession and also volunteer as a teacher. This is not the job I will be in hopefully 2 years down the line, but for now it's a stepping stone. So instead of being down about the fact I may not be in the job I want to be in or I feel I deserve to be in yet because of the amount of time I have spent studying for my career but I have a job, I get paid, this means I can dance, this means I can drive my car to where I need to volunteer and this means I have the luxuries of having a laptop, having a phone and creating the memories in life that makes you happy. I am a big believer in everything happens for a reason, the bad gets thrown at you to test you and make you stronger but we also live in a country that is so advanced and sometimes we are in a bubble and forget that their is people in the world also who are a lot less fortunate than us so I try to be grateful for everything life throws at me.

I think writing the above is probably the most I have reflected on myself as a person before, I just started to write a quick brief and before I new it I was deep into thought. Hopefully in 9 days time I will be able to evaluate my journal and reflect to how I spent the time and see what is different then to this moment now.


  1. Hi Kirsty,
    I really like the idea of having a plan for your journal over the next nine days I'm definitely going to do something similar, I think it can help keep the motivation going to have to write in a certain way when we all have such busy lives! Thanks for sharing your ideas. Jess

  2. Hi jess,
    Thankyou for your comment. I just think writing a journal may not be for everyone so at least having a wide range to of techniques to do this could motivate people to have a journal in their own style.
